世間中, 何為"愛"? 如何, 才算是"愛"?
愛, 太抽象, 好難說得清, 我們看得到, 感受得到, 但, 不易言明... 那, 我們愛別人/想要得到別人的愛, 是基於什麼? 那"動機", 是出於什麼而對對方好, 是為了"回報", 是因為"條件", 還是因為希望對方快樂, 所以我快樂? 如果, 你做一件事, 是為了你愛的人快樂/得好處, 那當中一定有愛存在, 而相對得回來的"回報", 就只是副產品...
有人會說, 愛是不求回報的, 只是, 當我們付出了, 總會有點期待有好回報, 當結果不如預期... 就會失落, 會因為比較而不快樂... 但人好難控制自己不去想, 就算那不是做一件事的理由, 但, 總會想對方會有回應吧... 而回應的方法, 通常是一些可以看得見的回報, 只是, 所關心在乎的, 其實, 是當中的那份心意吧了...
每次想到愛, 總會想起這首歌, 猶記得, 當年第一次聽時, 對愛的想法, 何其簡單...
Perhaps Love (John Denver & Placido Domingo)
Perhaps Love is like a resting place,
A shelter from the storm,
It exists to give you comfort,
It is there to keep you warm,
And in those times of trouble,
When you are most alone,
The memory of Love will bring you home.
Perhaps Love is like a window,
Perhaps an open door,
It invites you to come closer,
It wants to show you more, and
Even if you lose yourself, and
Don't know what to do,
The memory of Love will see you through.
Love for some is like a cloud,
For some as strong as steel,
For some a way of living,
For some a way to feel.
Some say Love is holding on,
Some say letting go,
Some say Love is everything,
Some say they don't know.
Perhaps Love is like the ocean,
Full of conflict, full of pain,
Like the fire when it's cold outside,
Or thunder when it rains,
If I should live forever, and
All my dreams come true,
My memories of Love will be of you.
Some say Love is holding on,
Some say letting go,
Some say Love is everything,
Some say they don't know.
Perhaps Love is like the mountains,
Full of conflict, full of change,
Like a fire when it's cold outside,
Or thunder when it rains,
If I should live forever, and
All my dreams come true,
My memories of Love will be of you.
雖然聽過好幾個不同的版本, 但最喜歡的, 仍是這個John Denver & Placido Domingo的對唱版本, 很有感染力量~
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